Sweetwater Christian Church

Putting Hell in Its Place (Catching Hell: Part 1)

Mike Skinner

Preached by Lead Pastor Mike Skinner at Sweetwater Christian Church (www.sweetwaterchristian.org) on Sunday, August 18, 2019. Part 1 of our "Catching Hell: A Burning Question about at Loving God" sermon series. 

In this sermon, Pastor Mike sets the foundation for our future conversation about the doctrine of hell by 1) pointing out the diversity of views on the doctrine of hell throughout Christianity history and even within Scripture itself as well as 2) focusing on the centrality of our faith in Christ, not secondary doctrines like hell. Even when talking about difficultly, complex, and sometimes scary ideas such as hell, Christians are called to confident and hopeful worship as we place our trust in the one who holds the keys to death and Hell. 

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